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Spring Break

Updated: May 14, 2024

Upon my return to New Brunswick after a winter down south, I have been a little overwhelmed with all the tasks at hand. Since viewership is down, I'm going to use this opportunity to catch up. Over the next few weeks I will be putting the camera down and work on cleaning up after the December storms, milling lumber from fallen trees, and other mundane tasks that are not worthy of documentation. That will allow me to prepare for the next phase of the cabin restoration, as well as future camping and travel ideas.

I am happy to hear many of my viewers are interested in the remainder of the travel adventures, and promise to fill in a few blanks such as what happened after Nevada, and why I made such a sudden exit back to Canada with a grand finale video. I hope to get one or two of these out this month, however I have just switched to Adobe Premiere Pro for editing, and the learning curve is massive. I appreciate your patience, and please enjoy the beautiful spring colours in the meantime. Get out there hiking and traveling! SP

NOTE: There was a glitch on my webpage that had two comments sections on this blog. The wrong one was removed. Sorry for those who posted and lost their comments. Please repost. Thanks! SP

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