UPDATE January 26th:
It is with a heavy heart I must inform you all that Pete has now gone to a wonderful place. He put up a brave fight, but is now in peace. I am very proud to have known Pete and will always remember the crazy times we had together. I am also so proud of my viewers who pitched in and made his last days a little more enjoyable.
Thank You All from the bottom of my heart! SP
"We are Pete Villemaire's brothers and sisters: Tom Villemaire, Terry Ware, Pat Schnare and Scott Weir. We have started this fundraising campaign to support our brother Pete who has begun his life-and-death battle against aggressive stage 4 prostate cancer. Pete's cancer was only recently diagnosed when he went for his routine prostate check. Initially, Doctors believed it would be easily treated with 4 radiation treatments. However, these treatments were followed by a whirlwind of tests and emergency surgeries as one organ after another was affected by Pete's aggressive cancer. Pete has now started a two week round of daily radiation treatments and is receiving palliative care.
Pete has not been able to work at all through out this journey that began over 40 days ago. Pete's wife Cindy has taken a leave of absence from work in order to provide necessary care and transportation.
Anyone who knows Pete knows that Pete has always been there for his family, his friends and his community. Now instead of looking forward to retirement he is battling cancer with no income.
We are humbly asking for your help. Any contribution no matter how small will make a huge difference. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for any support you can offer and we ask that you please share this."
It has now been over 70 days, and he needs help more than ever.
To donate please use this link: https://www.gofundme.com/f/please-help-pete-battle-stage-4-prostate-cancer?utm_campaign=fp_sharesheet&utm_medium=customer&utm_source=native_options
Thank you for your kindness. You've got this one Pete! SP
UPDATE Jan 14th:
I am completely blown away by the outpouring of support for Pete. In only a few hours he reached his goal and then some. It really renews your faith in mankind!
Here's the latest from Terry (Pete's Sister):
"Pete completed his 2 week round of daily radiation treatments on December 30/24 and continues to receive palliative care. He has been further weakened by the radiation treatments. Having lost a great deal of weight and struggling with extreme dehydration due to inability to take in and keep any form of nourishment or fluids. On the positive side his Doctors have managed to get his pain under control and have now put him on IV fluid for one week to rehydrate him. Pete's new goal will be to get strong enough to be able to undergo chemo as soon as possible.
Pete and his family are overwhelmed by the support, love and generosity that has been pouring in, enabling Pete and his family to focus on his care. Neither Pete nor his wife Cindy will be able to return to work any time in the near future. The road ahead remains unclear but Pete will continue to fight and will need all the support he can get.
Deepest thanks from the bottom of our hearts.
Special thanks to Pete's dear friend Slim Potatohead"
UPDATE Jan 19th:
The campaign to help Pete has a big success! Over 1000 of my viewers contributed to his GoFundMe page, bringing the total up to over $73,000. This is a big help for the family financially as they continue to battle with Pete's health concerns. In order to award the prizes I have captured a list of the donations (All up to Jan 19th are eligible) and will proceed with the draw. Winners will be notified over the next few days. The video has also changed to "unlisted" status, but can still be seen here: https://youtu.be/BoaURMLk4Rs
Anyone still wishing to donate can still do so with the link above. Thanks to all for their heartfelt generosity! SP